This is a set of web postings that I have created to record my thoughts on the subject of climate change and how engineers and the energy industries will need to formulate new designs and strategies in response to the challenge. It includes details of a few presentations I have given, as well as some postings about the accounting and legal framework within which corporate entities operate. These I feel require change by statutory means if the investment needed to develop new technologies is to break free from subsidy and government grants.
Key to this issue is the belief that society has to find an effective way to account in monetary terms for the emissions our manufacturing, power and service industries produce, as well as those our domestic activities generate. Until recently such costs have been limited to investments in equipment that mitigate the impact of pollutants on the near-field environment. Now we are becoming aware of the impact such emissions have at a global level and are learning more about trading schemes, life cycle costs and the so-called 'carbon footprint' of the products and services we use. This has translated into two competing approaches: a) trading where efforts are being made to price emissions at the point where they are generated and b) footprints where emissions are assessed (and ultimately might be taxed) at the point of consumption. I hope these pages will provide an introduction to the issues involved and give the reader a better understanding of some of the areas where new technical and accounting ideas are evolving. Please note this material is 'work in progress' and that posts may be revised over time to incorporate new material or insights. If you have any ideas that you feel warrant inclusion or discussion, please contact me via this welcome blog. If you have any questions or thoughts on items that have already been posted, please feel free to respond by using the comments link at the bottom of each article.Regards
You write well will be waiting for your new publications.
Posted by: Antivirus_man | 06 December 2010 at 06:22 PM
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Posted by: what are the effects of global warming? | 15 May 2011 at 04:03 PM
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Posted by: twitter followers | 10 March 2012 at 02:35 AM
As a retired rocket scientist from Aerojet, I have worked out a conceptual process that uses waste carbon dioxide and lime to make a clean carbon naphtha slurry from coal that contains sulfur.The coal-naphtha slurry is shipped by pipeline to a fossil-fuel-fired power plant.The power plant's carbon dioxide is captured by amine treatment and returned to the coal mine where the slurry is produced by the same pipel;ine.
I have been studying the reactions of carbon dioxide for the past ten years and have found that:
1. The Bosch Reaction produces carbon from carbon dioxide and hydrogen but unfortunately the market for carbon black is limited to tire pigmentation
2 The Sabatier Reaction produces methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen but unfortunately there is a super-abundance of natural gas which is what methane is
3. The Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction produces synthesis gas from carbon dioxide and hydrogen . Heretofore, synthesis gas has been limited to methanol and Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons, but recently a method to make butanol by fermentation of synthesis gas has been found.
4. The Boudouard Reaction produces carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide by reacting it with a carbon source such as coal and I have found a method that use it to produce a clean fuel from coal.
I need two things: 1.A partner with facilities for development of the process, and 2 Capital for commercialization of the process.
Will you help me to develop the process?
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