The outlines of a future legal framework for a new European Union (EU) directive on carbon storage are presented in the following paper by the German consultancy Eggers Malmendier. The paper points out that as the law currently stands in Europe, carbon dioxide cannot be stored in saline aquifers or depleted oil and gas reservoirs. For now, the only permissible option is to seek permission to dispose / utilise the gas as part of an enhanced oil or hydrocarbon gas recovery (EOR/EGR) project.
EU Current Legal Basis for the Geological Storage of Captured Carbon
Reproduced from paper presented by Eggers Malmendier
at Applied Infrastructure Research Conference held in Berlin in 2008 (Source sited above)
Further details of the proposed directive (2009/31/EC) can be located via the following web page. The directive is to cover:
- Arrangements for a system of national storage permits
- Restrictions on the contaminants that may be stored with carbon dioxide
- Monitoring, reporting and inspection of CCS facilities
- The transfer of responsibility to the state once storage sites have been closed
- Third party access to transport network and storage sites
- Provisions for trans-boundary storage
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